Diabetes Academy Email List

The HPI Diabetes Academy


This is the image showing the average change in A1c after two months of being enrolled in the HPI Diabetes Academy.

The image below is an email from one of our members.

Not only is her testimonial about the drop in A1c impressive, the other mention we are proud of is what she discusses regarding her diet. She thought she was eating healthy. In this program, she learned she wasn’t. She followed our recommendations and like magic, her insulin sensitivity improved, which is evident by the changes in her A1c. (It’s not really magic, just the right approach)

These changes in A1c and what is healthy or unhealthy for type 2 diabetics is why we developed the HPI Diabetes Program – these outcomes show we are improving insulin resistance, not just controlling blood sugar.


It’s true! We can help you write an email like this too!

Thank you for joining us! Your 3 Gifts are one step away.

Anyone can give you free stuff. Joining us is a no-brainer because of what comes after, not the free stuff. What comes after is the best of what you need to improve insulin sensitivity, control your blood sugar and improve your health the right way, not by masking the issue with prescription medication.